User Manual

This document provides the manual for the COMPASS Toolset, and can be accessed here. It contains instructions on installing and running the toolset, using both the GUI and the Command Line Interface.


This tutorial introduces the main features of the COMPASS toolset – it covers both modeling and verification. It is intended as a hands-on document that can be used as a starting point to quickly learn how to develop and analyze models in COMPASS. It can be accessed from here.

SLIM Specification

This document provides the definition of the SLIM syntax and its semantics. It is meant as a reference on using various syntactic features and their meaning. For an introduction to the language, please consult the manual (see above) and inspect the examples that are provided with the COMPASS toolset. It can be accessed from here.


This document develops the COMPASS roadmap. It discusses the COMPASS objectives, analyzes the current status of COMPASS, and discusses the future steps to reach the objectives. It can be accessed from here.